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Lectio divina is a method of prayer from the monastic tradition of Christianity. It is translated as “holy reading,” “divine reading”, “meditative reading,” or “spiritual reading.”

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Ignatian contemplation is a very active way of praying that engages the mind and heart and stirs up thoughts and emotions and is suited especially for the Gospels.

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Weekly Reflection

Shephards After My Own Heart

09-29-2024  |  We Celebrate Worship Resource, Vol. 49, No. 1

The second half of today’s Gospel is a tough one. Jesus says sin is so horrible that you should cut off the body part that leads you to sin. Nothing about forgiveness; the only option is to end up maimed. But the first half strikes a completely different note. If we do good things in Jesus’ name, the Lord will welcome us. Even if all we do is pour a cup of water for someone, we will be eternally rewarded. Perhaps Jesus is warning his disciples about judging the motivations of others while dismissing one’s own tendency to sin. Joshua judged the motivations of two men who dared to prophesy even though they seemingly hadn’t received the spirit. But Moses supports the two, even saying, “Would that Lord might bestow his spirit on them all!” (Numbers 11:29). The more people who are moved by the spirit to speak and act in God’s name, the better. As it happens, the Lord bestows the holy Spirit on Christians of all denominations in baptism. With that cup of water poured over us, we are all welcomed into eternal life with the Lord.

How can you be less judgmental of others while being more honest with yourself?

Pastores Según Mi Corazón

La segunda mitad del Evangelio de hoy es dificil. Jesús dice que el pecado es tan horrible que hay que cortar la parte del cuerpo que nos lleva a pecar. No dice nada sobre el perdón; la única opción es acabar mutilado. Pero la primera mitad tiene un tono completamente diferente. Si hacemos cosas buenas en nombre de Jesús, el Señor nos recibirá. Incluso si todo lo que hacemos es servirle un vaso de agua a alguien, seremos recompensados eternamente. Tal vez Jesús está advir endo a sus discípulos acerca de juzgar las motivaciones de los demás y desesmar la propia tendencia a pecar. Josué juzgó las motivaciones de dos hombres que se atrevieron a profe zar aunque aparentemente no habían recibido el espíritu. Pero Moisés apoya a los dos, llegando a decir: “¡Ojalá que el Señor pusiera su Espíritu sobre ellos!” (Números 11:29). Cuantas más personas sean movidas por el espíritu para hablar y actuar en nombre de Dios, mejor. Resulta que el Señor otorga el Espíritu Santo a los cristianos de todas las denominaciones en el bautismo. Con ese vaso de agua derramado sobre nosotros, todos somos bienvenidos a la vida eterna con el Señor.¿Cómo puedes ser menos crítico con los demás y al mismo tiempo ser más honesto con go mismo?



Pray to Protect them Both

Vote "NO" on Amendment 4

Vote "NO" a la Enmienda 4


Save Your Stuff!

The Knights of Columbus will be having another Flea Market in April 2025! The last one was a huge success for our church. Proceeds from the sale was enough to pay for all the new altar lighting.


24 hours of Eucharistic Adoration / 24 horas de Adoración Eucarística

Beginning at the 8:00am Mass on the First Friday, closing at the 8:00am on the First Saturday


St. Francis of Assisi Feast Day / Fiesta de San Francisco de Asis

Parish wide Mass at 6:30pm in the church

Misa Bilingüe 6:30pm en la iglesia

Blessing of the Animals

Bring your pets and have them blessed in the Chapel front.

3rd Annual Multicultural Event in Honor of our Patron St. Francis of Assisi

The Parish and its different cultures come together to share this celebration with you. Sign up to participate and display the food, music, dance and decorations from your culture.


Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi

The Secular Franciscan Order of St. Francis fraternity invite the parish of St. Francis to celebrate in prayer and song the Transitus or the transi on of St. Francis on the eve of his death in the Chapel.